“Imaging making a
sand painting with colored glass particles. That is what you are seeing in the
copper enamel artwork of Denny Maloney.
The colored glass is carefully placed on prepared copper surfaces and fired in
a kiln until it melts onto the copper. [It can then be] used by itself for
ornaments on trees and windows or applied to aluminum backing for garden art,
just like the antique advertising signs, street markers, and house numbers of
days gone by. However, these signs were enamel, which is glass fired on steel.
Copper allows me to use skin tones impossible to get with steel. But like the
steel signs, the sun and weather rarely affect [the work] and rain runs off the
glass layer on the copper. I especially like to apply my copper enamel art to
antique ceiling tins, old wooden clock cases, old enamel pot lids, old wood,
and fired tin.”
I always have loved your art